Voice commands implementation guide
If you want to customize the Handsfree for Web extension providing new voice commands, overwriting existing commands or translating the extension to another language this is the right place to start, keep reading and you will learn about how to do it.
There are two ways to provide voice commands. You can implement a voice commands module and import it in your own installed chrome extension, or if you own a website and want to provide voice commands for your users, you can export them via the website code and Handsfree for Web will makes them able to be executed for those users that have the extension installed and running.
The extension Handsfree for Web was built by Javier Pérez in order to bring a handsfree web navigation alternative.
The app was presented as an implementation of a handsfree web navigation model described into the final work Handsfree browsing driven by voice commands for the degree Computer Science at Universidad Nacional de La Plata.
Students of the Unigranrio University have submitted the portuguese version of the extension.
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